Covita Vida Vaxi Nation

All my pages have Google translate and you can read the work in any language they offer. The link is on the top right on most desktop systems and at the bottom of the page on most mobile devices.

I got my first computer in 1983. I got unlimited internet first in 1998 and I have more or less been supplying sites and gleaning news off the web ever since. But it is true managing several sites and dozens of Facebook groups takes time and energy and it is all exciting and with immense pleasure but they do get behind in a pandemic. But I have to step up again, My virus information page (see below) still holds safe links to free information. This page is for locating vaccines and I am adding places all along as I can find free links to vaccines. I hope it will stay up dated as long as it is needed.

I must catch up on safe free links on where people can get the vaccine!

I also have on occasion written thoughts about the news of the day. If a few billion people are all talking about the same thing it is easy to add another page of information. Last year in February of 2020 I wrote my first blogs and info sheets about the virus. I, of course, had them checked out for accuracy where necessary and the only medical advice I offered which was met with distain from some, was to wear a mask. Now it is wear TWO MASKS!

My blog for safe and free links to health care and government websites about the virus, all on one page, holds the progress of the virus on our lives from February 2020. It is still used daily, it is a partial journal of Covid through Mayish and Juneish with some updates. It is a diary for a few weeks, and some video from then, which is astonishing to watch today showing how slow the country of America was to act.

So now – How do we get the vaccine? Worldwide. This page like the virus info page SEE LINK BELOW which is still the page to go to for links to the CDC, WHO, country, province and state links and some county links is regularly updated.

Now for the Vaccine Page!

I already wrote a few days ago and will add again the links for getting shots here in the US state of Maryland. This link below is about my process of getting the vaccine. This page has links to places to get the vaccine and vaccine news. Only documented sites and I try to keep links active. If you find any broken or inactive links please let me know.

The Mur-lund Propeller – A new ride at Six Flags

My year has been spent helping people identify their biological relatives. People who are searching for family and even hoping to identify their parents, any siblings need helpers. It has kept me busy. But now I need to find the links for getting vaccinated and get them added. It should be much more hopeful than the sad descent into so much death the virus took us to from last February.

To the vaccines!


I was devastated to learn of the vaccine delays in Canada. I hope there will be an indepth news story soon with reliable sources of exactly why this has happened in Canada. Is this fault another country getting priority delivery? Is this because of the power of pharmaceutical makers who bring us the vaccines? On the chance that it is the latter, I better not complain until I get my second dose, and my 1st, 2nd and 3rd and 4th and on boosters for fear of…


CBC, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has free news. Their article says where the new mass vaccination sites are going to be. I might think from this CBC page, you might find a safe link to updated stories about delivery.

European Union:

Q and A pages from the EU press office. They ask for COOKIES. I clicked NO to cookies and read on.


New Zealand:

United Kingdom:

Getting the vaccine.

United States:


District of Columbia:


A mass vaccination site in Maryland in the United States. My Mur-lund Propeller blog has the story of the organization of the site. The mass-vax site took good care of us. It was easy and quick and everyone was very nice.

Hop on the new ride at 6 Flags

The ice storm created a two hour wait on Central Ave with multiple people cutting in the line.

The day of my vaccine had the added issue of an ice storm. In the morning the vaccination folks sent a text that if they were to close early they would give 2 hours notice, which they promptly did. We just made it for me to get my first vaccine.

The people come in an ice storm keep



Multnomah County:

The CDC, Centers for Disease Control, in the United States has a central page to links for state health departments. All people should register with their local health department and sign up for cell phone text messages and email to be notified of vaccination sites where you live.

NACCHO, National Association of County and City Health Officials, has a page of local health departments. The page has a map to click.

HHS, United States Department of Health and Human Services, site has a search by Zip Code.

Reliable links to multiple countries health pages from the site of WHO, World Health Organization.

Google is maintaining a page to help search for vaccines

Updating with every new piece of information I find.

Coronavirus Diary ~ A list of helps & free information links for resources in multiple languages

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  1. Pingback: The Mur-lund Propeller – A new ride at Six Flags | Cherie Lynn's Herstory

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