DNA Downloads, of course you want copies of yourself!

All the companies I use for DNA testing have links to download your DNA raw data. Family Tree DNA, 23andMe, AncestryDNA, and others all have a click here and easily download a copy for your records, for fun to read and look at, for being able to upload to other sites that accept DNA from other companies.

Family Tree DNA, MyHeritage, LivingDNA all take uploads of raw data and then you can have added matches, if there are people who have tested at one company and not another. AncestryDNA and 23andMe do not take uploads. So if you particularly want to have and use their genealogy tools and their testing then you have to add those companies to your companies to test with. Every person’s needs will be different, there will be many different desires for different individuals. REad what each company offers and ask for advice.

I will begin with Family Tree DNA’s raw data download. It will take you about 2 minutes for each download. The only caveats that I know of this minute are making sure you have a place to save it, thumb/flash drive, DNA digital folder, computer back up, etc., and I understand if you are working on a Mac computer that they will automatically open the file when it downloads. This is a no no, the file should not be opened for saving for DNA uploads. You need to learn the settings on your Mac computer to tell it NOT to open the file when it downloads.

I make sure I have a copy saved on my current computers, desktop and laptop. I have a copy on a USB thumb drive. I have a copy in a private Facebook group that is only shared with me and my beneficiary. And then there are all kinds of clouds that people use now to save files and data.

You will also want a copy you can learn to read but that is another blog.

I will use this same blog to add more download instructions and also upload instructions. If you test at one company you might want to see all the genealogy tools that every company has to offer and see if there are new matches. So the autosomal uploads will be explained also.



This is your dashboard page. You can navigate to most features from this pages

Your link to click to download your raw data is here, circled. It is under the heading of of your Family Ancestry in your Family Finder test results section.

You will want copies of all three types of raw data. For most uploads of autosomal DNA to other companies your will want the one which says Build 37 CONCATENATED Raw Data

Plan ahead of time where you are going to save the file. The top circle shows WHERE the computer is saving the download and the bottom circle is showing the NAME the file is being saved as. And the last check on the lower right must be clicked to make the save.

I save almost everything like this file, first to the desktop. With my data file there, I will now save a copy to a flash/thumb drive and I will save a copy to a data folder for my DNA and then know that I can access my own DNA for a multitude of purposes for the future. You will have to upgrade your copies into new storage as technology might change.

I will add more to this same page

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